About 44.4
In 2014, Georgia O’Keeffe’s Jimson Weed/Flower No. 1 sold at auction for $44.4 million dollars, setting the record for the highest price paid for work by a female artist. This sales record is three times the amount of the previous record, and hasn’t been superseded in the five years since it was set.
O'Keeffe never had children, despite wanting them, as she did not believe that child-raising and art were compatible careers.
44.4 is our number. It splits, divides, shares, carries and builds.
For practicing Mother/Artists the balance is delicate. How can we be both mothers and artists? Our energy is siphoned, often spoken for and difficult to keep in our grasp. Mother/Artists are piecing together time, space, resources, and the cognitive labour to create. How do we simultaneously grow our artistic practices alongside our children in a way that results in our contributions being valued in our community? These are our questions; this is our conversation.
Through critique nights, discussion forums, social events, and special projects, our group works together to engage with the specific challenges of combining artistic practice with the gendered, and very real, performance of motherhood. For some of us, these issues are visible in our work. For others, our role as mothers is apparent only outside our studios.
The 44.4 Collective is a group of mother artists, but we do not represent all mother artists. ‘Motherhood’ is an imprecise term which is not always deployed in the spirit of inclusion. As a group, we continue to question the term itself as much as we probe its relationship to art production. We recognize that both parenting and identifying as female are charged acts and that people’s lived experiences include an enormous diversity of views, privileges and opportunities.
Want to be part of the conversation? Please contact us at fortyfourpointfour@gmail.com
Active 44.4 Members:
Sarah Anderson, Painter
Natalie Bruvels, Painter
Jennifer Cherniack, Artist
Rebecca Clouâtre, Artist
Sarah Jane Estabrooks, Co-founder, Visual Artist
Greta Grip, Artist
Sayward Johnson, Artist
Alexa Mazzarello, Artist and Photographer
Karen D. Miller, Artist
Andrea Mueller, Metalsmith
Kristine Nyborg, Photographer
Lucie Raymond, Visual Artist
Victoria Solan, Writer/Art Historian
Thank you to Elizabeth Raymer Griffin, Co-founder, Photographer.